Monday, February 25, 2013

Without Sanctuary

Race- a classification system used to categorize humans into large and distinct populations or groups by anatomical, cultural, ethnic, genetic, geographical, historical, linguistic, religious, or social affiliation -1

Ethnicity- a socially defined category based on common culture or nationality and is constantly reinforced through common characteristics which set the group apart from other groups

Nationalism- The term “nationalism” is generally used to describe two phenomena: (1) the attitude that the members of a nation have when they care about their national identity, and (2) the actions that the members of a nation take when seeking to achieve (or sustain) self-determination. (1) raises questions about the concept of a nation (or national identity), which is often defined in terms of common origin, ethnicity, or cultural ties, and while an individual's membership in a nation is often regarded as involuntary, it is sometimes regarded as voluntary. (2) raises questions about whether self-determination must be understood as involving having full statehood with complete authority over domestic and international affairs, or whether something less is required.

Violence - the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against a person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation.  This definition associates intentionality with the committing of the act itself, irrespective of the outcome it produces 

Lynching- an extrajudicial execution carried out by a mob, often by hanging, but also by burning at the stake or shooting, in order to punish an alleged transgressor, or to intimidate, control, or otherwise manipulate a population of people.  Lynchings have been more frequent in times of social and economic tension, and have often been the means used by the politically dominant population to oppress social challengers.

This is how I would write about a lynching event for my audience.  I think this covers a wide variety of topics:

If one were to witness a lynching event, they may see it begin with a huge group of people coming with various forms of torturous instruments in hand.  They would see this group pick a person or two, that probably had no way of defending themselves from the group.  The group would then start to use extreme physical violence against this person.  The person would be beaten severely with the different torturous instruments.  When the person thought that his or her torture was over, they would then be made to sit down.  A rope tied to a tree would have a circle tied into it and that circle would then be put over the persons head.  This rope would be tightened and then the group would pull the rope over the tree to life the person off of the ground.  The person would no longer be able to breathe and would slowly suffocate to death while the group of people began to beat and torture the person again.  This is how the person would die.  Fucked up.

Works cited-

1.  "Definition of race - ethnic group, anthropology, personal attribute". Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 25 February 2013. "a group of people sharing the same culture, history, language, etc."

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