Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Las Vegas as a Sacred Place

Welcome to fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada- a place that is worshipped by many citizens of the United States.  This sign you see above gives a newcomer a good indication that Las Vegas is fabulous, colorful, and that there are many lights.  This sign is just on the outside of the city, as you would drive in from elsewhere.  It alerts the pilgrim that they are close to their destination, where the fun will soon begin.
If you were to turn the other way of the sign, this is what you would see.  As you may see, Las Vegas is an oasis in a desert.  For many this oasis not only symbolizes being fabulous and colorful, but a deeper sense of the self.  Las Vegas, to some, is a way to feel free from the everyday hum-drum lifestyle of the average American.  Las Vegas is a way to live out your wildest fantasies, to live in excess and splendor.  At the end of your stay, you are the same person you were when you arrived, but during your stay, you often turn into someone else.
Upon entering Las Vegas, one can see great monuments all over the city.  These monuments are a testament to man's great achievements and they are meant to hold great secrets.  Secrets that should stay within the walls of the monuments.  A guest to Las Vegas has many monuments, or casinos, as they are called by the travelers, to choose from.  Each casino has a different theme associated with it, which gives the guest a different experience while staying.  In this picture we see several of these casinos lining one side of the road.  On this road alone, there are close to forty casinos.  This gives people a lot of choice when it comes to deciding where to begin your fun.  While the outside is full of color, lights, and moving parts, the inside is even more of a sight.
This is a picture of inside a Las Vegas casino.  The people that are standing around at these tables are here to worship the power of money.  They do this through a process called gambling.  Gambling appears to make a person feel free from the constraints of society.  They no longer have to worry about their life outside of the Las Vegas atmosphere- all they need to worry about is the now.  Gambling is a type of game where a person bets valuable things such as money or possessions for a chance to be right.  There are various types of games associated with gambling such as poker, roulette, craps, keno, and slots.  All of these games have much different rules associated with them but the main similarity is they all involved "a bet", where the owner of the possession assumes they know something more about the state of the game than another.  These other people can also be players in the game, also making "a bet" that they know something more than the others at the same game.  The players play against "odds" or the ratio of the probability that an event will happen to the probability that it will not happen.  If the players beat the odds, then they will win money or possessions of the other players or money or possessions from the casino in which they gamble.  This ritual makes the players feel very powerful, as though they have some sort of control over how the game is played or have a way to "beat the odds".  The funny thing is though, a major saying in among the people who gamble in Las Vegas, "the house always wins" is a major phrase used often.  This means that the casino will generally win a game more than any other player inside of the casino.  People who gamble choose to believe that this statement applies to everybody else but themselves- which generally causes them to lose a lot of money.  Las Vegas makes most of it's money from the people who gamble.

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